Welcome Prof. Wei Yang Invited as Keynote Speaker&Technical Program Committee Chair of IMSM 2023
Welcome Prof. Wei Yang Invited as Keynote Speaker&Technical Program Committee Chair of IMSM 2023



Prof. Wei Yang, ChongQing University


重庆大学机械及运载工程学院,教授、博士生导师。江苏省“双创”人才,教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划及国家国防科技创新团队的研究骨干。国家科学技术进步奖、教育部科学进步奖等评审专家。长期从事高性能制造技术与重大装备、新能源汽车和智能机器人等方面的研究工作。负责或主研了国家级、省部级、企业委托的科研课题50余项。获省部级奖励一等奖1项、二等奖3项、三等奖4项。在Mechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingProc. IMechE, Part KJournal of Vibroengineering、 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETIGS、《机械工程学报》中、英文版)、《汽车工程》等重要学术期刊和国际会议上发表论文100余篇,EI/SCI收录近30,单篇他100次。获授权发明专利、软件著作权20余项。

He is a professor and doctoral supervisor in the College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering of Chongqing University. He is one of the "Double Innovation" talents in Jiangsu Province, a research mainstay of the "Changjiang Scholar and Innovation Team Development Program" of the Ministry of Education and the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Team. He is an expert in the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the Science Progress Award of the Ministry of Education. He has long been engaged in the research of high performance manufacturing technology and major equipment, new energy vehicles and intelligent robots. He is responsible for or has conducted more than 50 scientific research projects entrusted by national, provincial and ministerial levels and enterprises. He has received one first-class award, three second-class awards and four third-class awards at provincial and ministerial level. He has published more than 100 papers in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Proc. IMechE, Part KJournal of Vibroengineering IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETIGSetc in important academic journals and international conferences. He has nearly 30 EI/SCI citing  article,and has been granted more than 20 invention patents and software copyrights.