Welcome Prof. Yang Yang Invited as TPC of IMSM 2024
Welcome Prof. Yang Yang Invited as TPC of IMSM 2024



Prof. Yang Yang, Guangdong University of Technology, China


Yang Yang, female, Doctor/professor, graduated from the INSA-Rennes located in France. She is now employed in Guangdong University of Technology as A+ talents. She is now supported by Guangdong Pearl River talent plans and engaged in Zhongshan City innovation research team. Currently, she takes charge in additive manufacturing research group of National Key Laboratory of High Performance Tools (Guangdong University of Technology). She is also a committee member of Additive Manufacturing Technology Committee of China Non-Ferrous Metals Society, and deputy Secretary General of Greater Bay Area-Laser and Additive Manufacturing Industrial Technology & Innovation Alliance. She serves as young editorial member of journals such as Materials Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Frontiers. Prof. Yang’s work involves in the deformation mechanism of shape memory alloys, the additive manufacturing of metallic materials with phase transformation, the design and manufacturing of minimally invasive medical device, the hybrid manufacturing on the basis of laser technology and in situ detection for AM. She has published more than thirty papers cited by SCI. More than 15 patents have been declared or authorized. She also hosted a number of national, provincial and ministerial research projects.

杨洋,女,博士/教授,毕业于法国国立应用科学学院,广东工业大学青百A+引进人才,广东省珠江人才计划引进高层次人才,中山市创新科研团队核心成员,广东省青年五四奖章集体和国家一流课程教学团队核心成员。目前担任“高性能工具全国重点实验室(广东工业大学)”增材制造方向负责人,中国有色金属学会增材制造技术专委会委员,广东省大湾区激光与增材制造产业技术创新联盟副秘书长等,《材料工程》、《Additive Manufacturing Frontiers》等期刊青年编委。长期研究增材制造相变金属成形及变形机理、微创医疗器械设计与增减材制造技术、多激光增减材在线检测技术与装备研发等,研究成果应用于多家公司。发表SCI论文35篇、申报及授权专利15项。主持多项国家和省部级等科研项目。